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Friday, March 2, 2007

Phase Report Day

I know a lot of dogs that are in formal training right now. I wish them all the best and hope they make great guides.
It looks like all of Glennie's (3rd puppy I raised cc'd for stress on outings) siblings just went back for training. I will be sure to follow them and hope they all do well.
Name: Tatoo Breed Sex phase breeder watch
Cortez 44H2x LAB M 1 No
Gaucho 44H1 LAB M 1 No
Giovanna 44H3 LAB F 1 Yes
Glenetta 44H4 LAB F 1 Yes

Also one of Tahoma's puppies is in training. It is hard to believe that they are old enough.
Rae 486H LAB F 4 Yes

And, some of Adeline's siblings are in training. They seem to be doing really well. I have heard that it is a GREAT litter. Adeline will be joining them in a few weeks. :(
Albright 417H LAB M 1 Yes
Artemis 420H LAB M 3 No
Avery 421H LAB M 7 No

Megan & Adeline (29 days till college)