Today is Picassa's 11 month day!! So here are 11 Things about Picassa.
1. Picassa's confidence is getting SO much better. She used to have meltdowns on a daily basis when something would scare her (i.e. The A/C, sizzling food, the dishwasher, fans, Wal-mart, and pretty much anything that makes noise (except the vacuum and my hair dryer. Weird, I don't know why those weren't scary to her when so many other random things were) It's been a little over 2 weeks since her last meltdown. At her eval last week my CFR explained that her first raiser was a retired lady and their outings were to fabric stores and other quiet places like that so it makes sense, but I am so relieved I can take her out without worrying too much about her. :D
2. She is so much better at settling down too. She would get uber stressed out when I would walk away and do this leapy thing to get attention, it was cute the first time but then got really annoying because it was constant. She still does it but not nearly as much as she did. She is much better on outings too, when we stop she doesn't constantly pace she is able to lay down and wait until I start moving again. I took her to her first movie (Prince of Persia, very good movie), I was nervous because it's an action flick and I knew there would be a lot of noise but she was perfect and barely moved. She doesn't go to sleep when we stay in one place for a long time so she just watched the movie. It was kinda cute.
3. Picassa loves to tease her big sister Paris. Whenever she has a toy she rubs it in Paris' face because she knows Paris will try to take it and then she will spin in tight circles so Paris will chase her but can't actually get the toy away from her. It's kinda funny to watch. The look on her face while she is trying to entice Paris is pretty awesome!
4. Picassa goes absolutely batty over food. She spins in circles and jumps straight up in the air and does these flip things. It's crazy, I am trying to get her to be calmer but the progress on that is slow.
5. Picassa is earning more freedom. Today I left her loose in my bathroom (after putting the garbage can up on the counter, (one of her weaknesses) and taking the TP off the dispenser (another weakness) I've come into my room to find she has unravelled half the roll all over my room.) I was gone for about 4 hours and she was perfect, I still had a bathroom when I got home! I was extremely proud of her!!
6. Picassa loves me. She is finally starting to give me eye contact when I talk to her and she checks in when we go for walks, she will even come over when I sit on the floor and sit next to me and give me kisses. She really is such a sweet dog!
7. I am starting to think she actually has brains. When I first picked her up I thought she was the dumbest dog ever, but her intelligence is coming through now as I have watched her problem solve in a few different situations and pick the correct way to do something.
8. I love how she lays down. She will lift her left paw and then slide into her down on her right foot and tuck her left paw under herself.
9. Her puppy push-ups are fantastic. I love how fast she does them, it makes me giggle.
10. I love watching her pick out the toy she will chew on. She makes a pile of three or four toys and then picks them up and tosses them around before choosing the one she will chew on, then she settles down and chews her perfect bone for a while.
11. I love her tiny ears and her stubby, fat tail.
I should have Picassa until October which is longer than I thought I would have, so I will enjoy the next 4 months with my girl.
Here is a picture of Picassa laying down at the dentists office. I debated whether or not to take her but finally decided just to go for it and she was great. Each time the technicians walked by they petted her and told me how well behaved she was. Whew, thank you for not making me look bad Picassa. :D
Friday, June 25, 2010
11 Things at 11 Months
Posted by
Megan and Orleans
9:09 PM
Labels: outings, Picassa, Random stuff
Puppy Truck
The puppy truck came through Utah yesterday and since a new raiser in my club is out of town I was able to go and pick up her puppy. It was very exciting because I haven't actually picked up a puppy off the truck since Sherman (over 3 years ago) even if the puppy wasn't mine it was still fun to be able to go and get him.
[The puppy truck driving past the hotel with the drivers waving.]
Mr. K the puppy I was picking up was first off the truck. His name is Keiko (Key-co) and he is a Black Lab and his parents are Samuel and Nell.
[One of the drivers handing Keiko to me.] Such a cute puppy! Here he is giving me some kisses.
And getting his leash attached to his collar.
Me and Keiko standing in front of the truck.
Since his raiser is out of town I get to keep him until Saturday night. I have really missed having a puppy around, it's been a long time and the beginning is my favorite part. So, it's been fun. (Even though I got absolutely no sleep last night)
Our club also got another puppy yesterday. Here she is coming off the truck. And her name is Julimae! She is so adorable with all her head wrinkles and she sure is a tiny little thing. Mitch will be her raiser for the next year.
Mitch holding Julimae.

Posted by
Megan and Orleans
12:09 PM
Labels: Julimae, Keiko, Paris, Picassa, Puppy Truck
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The last week
The last week has been pretty busy, so here are pictures from the week.
[Paris and Picassa on their first walk together. They both did really well] [Picassa running in my parents backyard. Her tail is curved to the right and her ears are flapping in the air.]
I bought a new car after my old one blew up on the freeway (Not a nice experience!) but the new one is a little hatchback (that is actually cute and more SUV-like) so the girls can ride in the back. It's a bright red car and I love it! Still trying to think of names for him though.

And, why do I love the Furminator? Let me count the ways.

Posted by
Megan and Orleans
10:41 AM
Labels: Evaluations, outings, Paris, Picassa, Puppy meetings
Monday, June 14, 2010
Picassa has a big sister
When I decided to adopt Paris I was a little worried about how the girls would react to each other. But they hit if off right away and get along great! They are a little jealous when I give attention to the other and will try to butt in to gets pets and love too. Hopefully they learn that they both will get attention and getting in the middle isn't necessary. They are not used to sharing mom though. :D I've let them play a little bit and Paris gets a little too rambunctious so I usually have to end it pretty fast. She does a few things that she never did before going to GDB like grabbing legs and shaking them. I'm afraid that she is going to snap poor Picassa's leg. Hopefully after a few corrections that will stop. She also gets really vocal while she is playing and she makes very intimidating sounds. (I've never heard her bark or growl before so it's weird.) Other than that they are doing wonderfully!
[Picassa and Paris playing tug with a green and white (well loved) rope toy.] On Saturday I took Picassa to my bro-in-laws surprise birthday party. While there my nephew Cannon gave me a balloon and said, "This for Costco!" I laughed and said thanks, she loves it. He got a little upset and told me that I had to tie it to her wrist so she wouldn't loose it. I opted for the collar instead and she wore the balloon the rest of the party. I love my nephew he is so stinkin' funny and cute! Here is Picassa outside on the grass with the white balloon tied to her collar. She looks less than thrilled.
The girls on the way home from the party. Yes, I took Paris so my family could see her again and to show off all her new tricks. Unfortunately, she had to stay in the car since she isn't a service dog anymore, she didn't seem to mind though, and I went out about every 30 minutes to check on her. Paris has always settled well and will immediately will plop down and fall asleep instantly. Picassa is another story, she drives me crazy with her constant pacing and her inability to stay still for more than five seconds. It's something we are working on and she has made a little bit of improvement. (it was less than five seconds when she came. :D) Anyway, when we started heading home Paris assumed the position and was asleep before we left the parking lot. Picassa was all over the place and I kept telling her to down which she would and then immediately get back up. During her pacing she kept stepping all over Paris who didn't move a muscle. The last time I told Picassa to down she did so by crawling up onto Paris and using her as a pillow. They stayed this way the rest of the trip. Picassa is such a goober, it's a good thing she's cute. :D
Posted by
Megan and Orleans
8:06 AM
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Puppy Class today
Once or twice a year my puppy club does a meeting at Discovery Academy. It is a school for troubled teens and I always love going there. The students really respond to the puppies and they always enjoy our visits. At the beginning we had a blind man from Salt Lake come down with his guide dog, Mariah, and he spoke to the students about blindness and using a guide dog. It was so fun. After he spoke we let the students pet and play with our puppies. Here are a bunch of pics from the meeting.
Me and my roommate are puppy sitting for Becky (Sarah's school puppy) and she got to reunite with her sister Breeze in our club. Here they are trying to play with each other. [Breeze enjoying some pets from a student. I love how her eyes are closed.]
[Becky getting some pets while laying down in the grass.]