PitaPata Dog tickers

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Outing to Thanksgiving Point (lots, and lots of pictures)

I suppose I should begin by saying Happy Mothers Day to all the mommies out there, whether your kids be the two or the four legged variety. :D

Anyway, yesterday I met Forte (Fullertons brother) and his raiser at Thanksgiving point to look at all the farm animals there. It was so fun to see Forte and his raiser again. The boys are so much alike it is scary, they also look quite a bit alike too, although, Forte is a bit taller and more filled out and has a blockier head than Fullerton does. :D It was a very fun outing and the boys did great around all the animals. The animals also did great around the dogs too, I was surprised how well socialized all of them were. . . except this demon goat I swear was going to ram the fence, he kept his eyes on Fuller and Forte the whole time we were walking around the pen.

Here are the sheep. They also had some adorable baby goats in there that had to have been very recently born. They were fun to watch because they were so uncoordinated and would flop around every once in a while. Fullerton is on the left and Forte is on the right.

This is Fuller checking out the goats.

Here is Fuller with weird creature with four horns. :D

Fuller and Forte both checked out this plastic sheep. This is Fuller and I think he was a little confused.


Here is Fuller with a HUGE draft horse. He was gorgeous! Fuller and Forte really liked this horse so I got a bunch of pictures. I was surprised how well they did, no fear at all. They just thought he was one humongous dog.

Fullerton and the horse again. Forte was pretty cute meeting the horse, he would hop up on his hind legs for a better view.

The horse finally went down to their level for a better look. Fuller is on the left and Forte is on the right.

Fullerton and the geese.

We were also able to take a ride on a horse drawn carriage. Fullerton didn't seem to mind the ride at all. Both boys did fantastic. :D

Forte on the carriage ride.

Fullerton again.

After that we went and saw a donkey. Fullerton LOVED the donkey and tried to crawl into the pen. He got almost half of himself in before I pulled him back. I was afraid I was gonna loose him. lol

There were also four cows, well three cows and a calf. Fullerton was afraid of one of the cows because it kept snorting and trying to lick him, but he was great around the other three. Here he is checking out the calf.

Here is Fuller with one of the cows.

This is Forte with the licking cow that Fullerton didn't want to get near.

Here is Fuller with Millie the cow. He loved her goopy nose, I thought it was kinda icky.

Then we went over to this pen that had about 10 little ponies in it and let the boys say hello to them. A couple of the ponies tried to chomp our pups noses off so we avoided those ones, we really prefer our puppies connected to their noses. This one was really nice though.
Forte trying to crawl in with the ponies. Fuller and the eating ponies.
We left the animal farm and walked over to where they grow all these flowers. How could we resist getting some pictures of the boys. Although it proved to be harder than in looks. :D
The boys finally gave up so we called it a day.
We parted ways and me and my sister headed to Costa Vida for dinner.
Then we decided to see the new Wolverine movie (which was excellent!!!!)
So, after a VERY long and exciting day the pup was so tired, so we headed to bed.

It was a very fun day and the boys did fantastic!! I am so proud of my boy!


Sarah and Romeo said...

Wow! They look like they did really well with the different animals! I love the pics with the cow licking one of them, too cute!

Carrie and Waffle said...

gosh fuller that was a big day! what a good pup you are! Waffle would have been all into the poop!

Elizabeth and Peyton said...

That looks like a pretty awesome day! I love meeting littermates. Forte and Fullerton are both extremely handsome.

Mary Ann said...

I love to see the puppies with large animals. They are in awe of them.

Fullerton is adorable.

Rufus and Indie said...

Hi! You are both adorable(and your blog too)! I loved the photos!
Rufus and Indie

Mitch and Julimae said...

Wow! Forte looks like he has a smaller head than he used to! I like that picture of Forte with the licking cow (haha! you could call that cow the "Kissing Kow!!! HAHAHAHA!)

Unknown said...

Okay, you got an awesome shot of the licking cow that I had to borrow!

Martha G said...

You could practically do your calendar with these pictures! They're wonderful. My favorite is Fullerton meeting the draft horse (first picture of the horse).

Ally and Eclipse said...

What a fun outing! I wish we had something like that around here! I would take Eola to the local zoo but they are very anti-dog and I don't want to fight with them since I worked there! /grin/ Good post! Also, just noticed how CLOSE Sherman's graduation is! You have all your flights booked and you all ready to go?