PitaPata Dog tickers

Saturday, February 21, 2009

IWYPRSD and Today

I really enjoyed my IWYPRS Day! It was fun to get up and think that so many other puppy raisers around the world were doing the same as me. Well, our day started early me and Fuller got up and ready for the day and I picked out my PR shirt to wear for the day.
I chose my Fun Day shirt from this year. :)

Me and my shirt went to work and then school, BORING! Then after class I took my shirt, Fullerton and my little sister to a movie and dinner. We went and saw Coraline. (Weird movie, don't think I will ever watch it again and frankly I was surprised that it was on PG since there were a couple scenes that were. . . well, not for kids. I actually covered my sisters eyes during one scene) Fuller nicely tucked under my seat.
After that Shirt, me, sister, and Fuller went to the food court in the mall for dinner and Fullerton slept while we ate.
After dinner my sister insisted on getting a gumball and Fullerton was so interested and LOVED watching the ball roll down the little slide thing.
That was the end of my IWYPRS Day. It was a fun day all in all. And my shirt had quite the adventure.
Then today was our Utah State puppy Workshop. It was A TON of fun. What is better than spending a whole day with other guide dog people? This is Fullerton on the way up. There were five dogs and four people in the car, so. . . it was quite crowded. But we had fun, we joked that there was going to be a mutiny and the dogs were going to take over the car. :D
At the start of the meeting our CFR taught us the new "go to bed" command, which I am uber excited about!! (and as usual I am pretty sure Utah is the last region to learn the new command. *sigh*) But, Fullerton was the demo pup. He did so well and caught on really fast. That's my smart boy!
Getting the reward for sitting nicely on the mat. :D
One of our new raisers worked with Fullerton during the meeting while I worked with Barrymore. He is getting his first puppy in April and he will be an awesome raiser, he was so good with Fuller!
Fullerton's brother Forte was there too. They don't look much alike, Forte is much more blocky and quite a bit bigger. They do have the same eyes and mouth though, and color. Fullerton is a touch darker though. But personality wise they are a lot alike. Forte is so handsome and they are both awesome puppies. :D
Our group before lunch. Myra, Dax, Barrymore (he was honored to be a demo dog for harness walks. It was approved for some CC'd dogs that made it to the advanced stages of training to put on harnesses and walk with the raisers to give people the experience of working with a dog. It was so cool, I got to handle Barrymore, I would hold his leash while someone else held the harness handle. He made it to phase 10 before he was cc'd. It was fun and people were fighting over him, they all wanted to walk with him.) and then there is Fullerton.
Barrymore the happy boy in harness.
Fullerton outside during lunch.
That was about it, after lunch we worked with some blind children and walked them to different stations about grooming and feeding and K9buddies and there was a working guide dog panel that we could ask questions. It was so much fun. And I got to talk to Sarah with Millicent and just have to say, she is adorable! :) Anywho, I am absolutely exhausted and need to get some sleep so, hope everyone has a great weekend. :D


Elizabeth and Peyton said...

I love those days where you just get to hang around guide dog puppies and raisers all day. GTB is very fun, though "the 'n' word" has become the most inappropriate of all cuss words when we're not doing training! ;D Forte and Fuller do look very different, but both handsome fellows.

I saw the previews for Coraline and I was wondering why it was directed toward kids. Doesn't look like a very good movie at all.

Lisa and pups said...

Oh wow - enjoyed your adventures for IWYPRSD!!! Fuller with the gumball machine is so hilarious! :)

That's cool you get a state wide get together. YAY for Fullerton being the demo dog and getting to work with a new puppy raiser! I bet that guy loved it. How fun you get to do that harness experience with the CC'd dogs.

Hobbes Dogs said...

I'm very late on the follow-up, but wanted to thank you so much for participating in IWYPRS day and sharing your experiences!

Also, just wanted to ask if it would be ok to use the picture of your shirt and/or link this post on the IWYPRSD website.

Megan and Orleans said...

Of course you can use pictures or link to the post! It was fun, thanks for setting it all up. :)

Infrequent Flyers said...

Thanks for your tip on my blog about bones in the dishwasher, Megan! I'm enjoying your blog. Fullerton is a cutie--I love his coloring, which I have to say is SLIGHTLY pit bull-ish (I'm trying to give that lady the benefit of the doubt). I just took Cabana to her first movie this afternoon--Coraline! It WAS a bit weird and dark, but my daughter wanted to see it. Looking forward to your ongoing adventures with Fullerton!