PitaPata Dog tickers

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

30 for 30-Day 9 (Raw Food)

I've been feeding Paris a raw food diet for the last 3 weeks so today's post is about that. First off, its really nasty and makes me want to vomit every time I feed her but it's so good for her and she has already made amazing improvement in her energy levels, shiny coat, and health that it's worth it. I feed a modified raw diet which means she gets her normal kibble one meal a day and then her raw food one meal a day. I feed Oma's pride which is a pre-packaged raw food. I don't have time to run around to grocery stores looking for deals so I choose to do it this way. It looks like hamburger and is ground together with bone and organ meat since raw is supposed to be 80% muscle meat, 10% Organ and 10% bone. I don't have to think about the mix either its already done for me. So far Paris has tried Buffalo, Chicken, Turkey, Lamb and Beef and she loves it all! She also gets a chicken neck for a mid-day snack and raw meaty bones when I have to leave her home for a long time. Anyway, here are pictures of Paris devouring her first raw meal.

There you see it. . .
ummm. . . there you don't
Ya, she swallowed it whole. So nasty!! Now I spread it around so she has to take smaller bites. :)

P.S. I know that dog food is always a touchy subject so please keep your criticism to yourself. Thank you!


Ally and Eclipse said...

Very cool! Kudos for doing what you feel is best for Paris! I've considered feeding Eclipse, Teddy & Kira a raw diet but I haven't done enough research. Is it a lot more expensive than quality kibble?

Mandy and Supreme said...

Glad to hear Paris is enjoying it - my aunt started feeding raw to her dogs when she couldn't control one dog's diabetes with any prepared kibble. The raw diet did the trick and she lived to be 13 I think? It's a little freaky to be at her house during feeding time cuz she gives her dogs chicken drumsticks and they just crunch right through the bones. So different from anything I'm used to hearing/seeing!
Hope you like the raw diet!

Raiser Erin said...

HAHAHA! I love that she swallowed it in one bite. That reminds me of Arwen when whe gets a cooked egg (I don't eat eggs for breakfast often so when I make myself one she also gets one) and she eats the thing in one whole bite despite the fact it's burning hot.

Lacey said...

Way to go Paris. Welcome to the raw food crew. You don't need me to tell you that I'm behind you 100%. I love raw and we're never going back.

My only complaint: Erie, really, could you please keep the raw bones off my bed!

Megan and Pasta said...

How much do you feed her? I've thought of trying raw with Pasta but at least with Nature's Variety, she'd have to eat a ton! Glad Paris likes the raw!

Megan and Pasta said...

Glad she likes it!

Erin said...

Yay! Considering feeding raw myself. Haven't heard for Oma's Pride, so will have to check it out!