PitaPata Dog tickers

Thursday, November 11, 2010

30 for 30-Day 11 (A Note From Fuller)

I just got an e-mail from Fuller and his partner. I love hearing from him so here is a short part of her e-mail. I am ecstatic that things are going so well! Enjoy!

Just a note to let you know how Fullerton is doing. We were in Europe for four weeks and have been home for a couple of weeks now. We spent three weeks with family in Denmark and drove down through Germany to Wiesbaden to visit friends and then into Switzerland to stay with students that lived with us while they studied English. We had a fabulous time with great weather, we only saw rain twice in the four weeks, and even then for a short period of the day. It was absolutely beautiful in Switzerland with temperatures up in the 70's F. Fullerton was nothing short of amazing to travel with . We had a 6 hour delay on our flight over to Frankfurt and despite this major inconvenience he did great. He slept virtually most of the 9 hour flight. He had no issues adapting to the change in water or environment. it was so nice to be able to go out for walks in the neighbourhood by myself and not have to be worrying about everything. He is a very confident little worker with great work ethic. Despite all of the new experiences he had he just took it all on extremely well.


Ro said...

Wow!!! So awesome to hear about Fuller! What a great adventure and Jayden is seriously envious. ;)

Kim, Bethany and the girls.. said...

hey megan, i was just wondering if you know if Moseley got CCed or is graduating? We co-raised his sister who graduated last month and he was started in our club, so we're curious!:-)

Kim, CC Claudine, Doug-phase 0, PIT vona..

Carrie and Waffle said...

cool does he get his own passport too!

My Adventure said...

That is so exciting! I am so happy that he is doing well!