PitaPata Dog tickers

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The bad things that happen when you are bored. . .

This weekend me and my sisters were kind of bored so we decided to dye my hair. My parents are out of town and so I am watching them for the weekend so there was no little voice saying "NO!" lol I wanted my hair red (especially since my grandma is terribly dissapointed that she never had a red headed grandchild and there is about 45 of us) So we went to the store and were looking at the colors and decided that since my hair is so dark that we should bleach it first. (bad idea!) The box said that it would turn dark brown hair like mine to a lighter brown. So we put it in, it was supposed to sit for 30 minutes but after about 10 my sister looked at me and just screamed. I ran to the bathroom and it was bright yellow. We hurried and washed it out and this was the result. . .

(it is a good thing that I have a scense of humor or I would have been freaking out!) We had to wait for it to dry before we could put the red in so I was a blonde for a few hours. (I sure make a horribly ugly blonde) So, after it was dry we put the red in, it was supposed to be a darkish brownish nice looking red. But this is what became of that. . .
AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! The picture is nothing compared to how hideously bad it was. It was a bright, flaming, neon orangey red. B-A-D!!! We did it early on Sunday morning so didn't have time (or supplies) to fix it before church at 9am. So I went to church like that. After many stares and whisperings I decided to go home early and see if I could do anything for it. My sisters got home and told me that everyone in thier sunday school classes thought that it was awesome and that I should keep it. (YA, RIGHT!!) A few minutes later I got a call from a lady in my neighborhood. She asked it I wanted it that bright and I said, no. A while later there was a knock on my door and the lady was standing on my porch with a bag full of hair dye products and made a mixture to fix it. (thank goodness!) So we were able to fix it before I had to go to work that night. We took the lady back all of her stuff plus an entire enormous pan of chocolate chunk brownies. Can't thanks her enough!! So this is what I look like now, and I really like it. . .
It is like a burgundy now. (I love how you can see the shine from Sherman's eyes in the kennel behind me. Kinda makes me giggle.)

So that is my grand hair adventures, I have never dyed it before, well besides highlights. But it was fun and me and my sisters had a good laugh!


Natalie said...

haha WOW that red was very interesting! I really like the new burgundy colour though, it's so pretty :)

My hair horror story is when my friends tried to highlight my hair brown, left it in too long and it somehow got all over my head and turned all my hair neon yellow. I FLIPPED out and had it fixed the next day. Lesson learned, never let friends mess with hair again.

And hahaha Sherman is kinda freaky in that last picture, but it's very cute.

Kasey and Blitz said...

How AWFUL that you actually had to go to CHURCH like that! Omgsh! It looks really good now though. I like it!!

Brittany said...

Haha! You are so lucky someone was there to help you fix it! I love the end result though it looks great.

My horror story is that I had dyed my hair blonde a few times but one time it went horribly wrong. It looked ok until I washed it 2-3 days after. My friend started looking at me weird and then shouted "OH MY GOSH!!! Your hair is gray!!!" That's right, I had gray hair in different oddly shaped splotches. I went in to have it fixed and the lady said that the shampoo I was using (Pantene Pro-V) had A LOT of wax in it and it reacted to the dye and "bonded" to it, then when I blow-dryed my hair, it stripped out all of the color. LOL! Who knew that was even possible! Needless to say that after the $50 it cost to fix it I have never used that brand for anything!!

I agree that Sherman looks really freaky! But kinda cool at the same time.